interview with lucy, doula and hypnobirthing practitioner

Lucy is a down-to-earth doula and hypnobirthing practitioner based in Dorset, near the New Forest. Together with midwife Becky, they are hosting new Pregnancy Circle sessions in the Wellness Yurt at Gullivers Farm, Shop + Kitchen.

Held on Wednesdays, 10-12pm for four weeks from 19 April, the Pregnancy Circle is a place for expectant mothers and birthing people. These sessions are for sharing thoughts and feelings, asking questions, building connections and relaxing in a safe space.

We chatted with Lucy about what to expect from her and Becky’s upcoming Pregnancy Circle, the benefits of sitting in circle with others and why you don’t have to be a hippy to have a doula.

What do you love about what you do for a living?

Lucy: I can’t even tell you what a privilege it is to support families through pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. As a doula I really get to know the people I work with and it’s the most amazing thing to be trusted to hold space for them through such a major transition. 

What’s the most common misconception about the work you do?

Lucy: The biggest misconception I tend to encounter is that doulas are a ‘hippy’ thing or that I’ll only support a certain type of birth. I’m all about honouring what matters to the individuals I work with.

You don’t have to be a hippy to have a doula or to seek out a space for yourself in pregnancy. All of you is welcome!

What can people expect from the Pregnancy Circle sessions?

Lucy: It’s going to be amazing. I think unless you’ve sat in circle with others, it’s hard to know quite how powerful it can be. But to be really listened to by others and to feel the solidarity and support within the room is something else.

That’s what people can expect. To feel emotionally safe and to feel heard. There will be time for crafting or journaling too, which is a lovely way to reconnect with yourself and do something you don’t always get time for in daily life.

What benefits can they offer now and once baby arrives? 

Lucy: There simply isn’t enough space for women and birthing people in pregnancy (and beyond!) – the focus is so often on the baby and there can be a lot of pressure to enjoy every moment.

The Pregnancy Circle sessions offer a space to share what pregnancy is bringing up with total honesty in a space free from judgement. 

Gullivers is a place where people and community matter. what does community mean to you? 

Lucy: Community is something I believe we all need and seek. It’s the antithesis to a world that pushes independence at every opportunity. We aren’t meant to be independent. We are meant to exist together, support each other, and live in community. 

What one piece of advice would you offer to parents-to-be?

Lucy: You’re always allowed to question things. Only you know what is right for you and you can question as much as you need to in order to find the path that is right for you. Oh, and your intuition matters. Don’t ignore gut feelings, they are there for a reason.

Becky and Lucy’s Pregnancy Circle starts on Wednesday 19 April, 10am-12pm, in the Gullivers Wellness Yurt.


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