interview with Kim: mozzo coffee

A good cup of coffee can help change the world. That’s why we’re proud to use Mozzo Coffee in Gullivers Farm, Shop + Kitchen.

Mozzo Coffee, based in Hampshire, is an ethical coffee roaster investing directly into coffee-growing communities. The organisation’s Community2Community Fund, first set up in 2015, ensures every purchase of Mozzo Coffee delivers a positive impact for the growing communities. We caught up with Kim Evans, Director of Brand, to find more.

What do you love about being in the coffee business?

We have the power to uplift people. From the coffee-growing communities to the person enjoying their morning cup of coffee.

Coffee is the second largest commodity product in the world. But it’s one with by far the most humans involved within it. We like to use this opportunity to show how business can be done better. So social and environmental responsibilities have the same level of importance as our commercial commitments.

Tell us a little more about your coffee

We source speciality coffee from people we trust and roast it in small batches by the docks in Southampton, Hampshire.

Gullivers Farm, Shop + Kitchen serves our Classic blend, which is a blend of Arabica and Robusta. A class Italian-style coffee with a largely Arabica base and a kick of Robusta for that proper coffee hit.

Mozzo, like Gullivers, is passionate about community and connection

Yes, coffee has such power to connect people. Whether that’s a catch-up over a cup at home or served in a café by a barista while you’re out and about. By nurturing community and working together, we are able to create genuine progress and positive change.  

what is the Community2Community Fund?

Giving back is built into our business model. Mozzo set up the Community2Community Fund back in 2015. So, every sale generates a positive impact contribution, which is invested back into the coffee-growing communities we work with. 

Mozzo’s Community2Community Fund has helped pay for better facilities and infrastructure in our Congolese coffee-farming communities. From an office, a cupping lab, internet via satellite, drying tables to a washing station and salary for expert agronomists for the Muungano Cooperative in Eastern DRC.  

C2C has also funded the build and first year’s operation of a maternity and paediatric clinic. This vital facility was created in partnership with the female-led cooperative, Rebuild Women’s Hope (RWH) on Idjwi Island, DRC.

For more information about Mozzo, visit their website or pop into Gullivers Farm, Shop + Kitchen for a fresh cup of coffee served by our Companions. Cookie or slice of cake optional, but most definitely recommended!


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